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Funeral Advice Chew Magna

If you require funeral advice Chew Magna, Michael W. Rowe Funeral Directors are here for you. We understand the death of a loved one can be an extremely distressing time. Whether you expect the death to occur or not, the emotional impact death can cause can be very unsettling. To assist mourners, we have compiled some practical advice which we hope will be of assistance in this difficult time. The information provided is intended to help explain some of the processes involved after someone dies. We hope this information will help to prepare you for the funeral planning process and service. The Funeral Directors here at Michael W. Rowe Funeral Directors are here to support you every step of the way.

What to do when someone dies

When someone dies there are various steps that must be completed, such as obtaining the death certificate of the deceased and registering the death within the specified time limits and knowing who to inform after a death has occurred. Knowing what to do when someone dies can help relieve further distress at such a difficult time.

How and where to register a death

When a person dies the death must be registered with the local authority and district where the death occurred. Our funeral directors can help advise where to register the death. We have also compiled a useful list of local registry offices in Somerset for your convenience.

sad person sitting on bench after partner has died

Making funeral arrangements

Funeral arrangements can take place once we have received the certificate for burial or cremation. Funeral planning involves many aspects and we can help guide you through the process. From advice relating to burial or cremation to deciding on funeral cars and flower, we aim to make the process as straightforward as possible.

Contact Michael W. Rowe

Michael W. Rowe Funeral Directs will offer funeral advice Chew Magna, to help you through this difficult time. Our thoughtful and caring Funeral Directors, will be there to support you throughout the entire process. Our funeral advice is available to all customers needing our support throughout the Chew Valley and Bath. For further help or advice for aspects not listed within these pages please contact us on 01275 332 565.